sexta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2015

Dicionário de Baianês, English version

Some people (4 a day) still go to Salvatore, despite the fact that local government only works to attract farofeers and hulligans.

For this couple of couples, maybe it must be helpful to understand what Bahians speak. So, let's procceed!

abadá = abadá
Acarajé = Acarajé
agogô = agogô
Ai, ai, e, e, e, oo ooo! = Ai, ai, e, e, e, oo ooo!
Axé = Axé
Cerveja = ugh, you'll not believe it's true...
efó = efó [hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm]
Ferry boat = Ferry boat
Hamburger = Hamburger
hot dog = hot dog
Lepo lepo = Lepo lepo
maniçoba = maniçoba
Mungunzá = Mungunzá
Pipi = pee pee
pizza = pizza
sarapatel = sarapatel
shopping center = shopping center
Tchan = tchan

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